by-product of the process

Sand Head 6, 2005


I will be using this blog format to write about my creative process, research I’m doing for future projects, and issues around art and life as an artist that are on my mind. I already have a nice list going of ideas for future posts…
With a 4-month old baby ( Nomi) and 3-year old (Naftali) at home, I’m making less these days, but still thinking and planning. So it feels right to have a place to present the process – to have a visible by-product, something I can share with others even when I haven’t even begun to manifest a finished product. I’m also excited to use this writing project as a way to encourage myself to be in touch with other artists working in similar ways, and to do more research and critical thinking on topics that are important to me. I’ll be highlighting images of my past work until I start generating new ones…

About zoecohenart


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